Daniel in a Poloroid



Hey, I am Daniel. An entrepreneur turned Product Designer.

So why the change? For over five years, I have been working within the smart home, health care and disability (NDIS) sectors to revolutionise the way people interact with the spaces they live in. In this journey I learn't the basis of my UX knowledge and saw that I could make greater change through my work as a UX/UI Designer than a system integrator in the smart home industry.

After starting Notaa, Australia's first Apple HomeKit integrator, back in 2017, I have witnessed the forefront of the change currently underway in the building sector across the world. Over this time, I was able to work with companies such as DPN Casa Capace to create the worlds first end to end Apple HomeKit certified home for the disability (NDIS) sector. During this project, I was able to interface with brands such as Apple, ABB, Legrand and KNX to create never been created experiences for people who need it most. Due to the exposure to the accessibility community I became a big advocate for Accessible Design and Human Centred Design principles.

Over time, I also developed a strong passion for the fintech industry with a dream to work within the sector to create the next generation of financial products. To start my deep dive into Fintech I joined Karta Gift Cards to help create the next generation of gifting experiences all by using Apple App Clips and Google Instant Apps.

Currently I am at Douugh, and we are on a mission to help redefine the way Gen Z and Millennials connect with money and investing. We are developing products to help them invest for a decade and not a day.

If you are interested in chatting further, send me an email or connect with me on LinkedIn as I am always open to work, especially in the fintech industry.

Media Coverage
Launch of Award Winning Casa Capace Pilot Home
2018 - 2020
Connected Mag Interview
iMore Interview
ABB Feature
Launch of Notaa
Product Designer
2022 - Present
Product Designer
Karta Gift Cards
2021 - 2022
Technical Officer / Product Manager
DPN Group
2017 - 2021
Product Designer / System Designer / UX
Casa Capace
2018 - 2020
Industrial Design and Manufacturing
University of Western Sydney
Communications (Digital Social Media + Interaction Design) and Creative Intelligence and Innovation
University of Technology Sydney
2020 - 2021
UX UI Design: Transform
Academy Xi
2021 - 2021