Product Design Thoughts

Life for me is an ever-changing design problem, sometimes when I see a problem I want to solve I'll do it as a side project.

You can see them below 👇

App Clips with Mr Yum

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About this concept

Technologies like Mr Yum have revolutionised how venues take orders. They don't need to rely on high commission players like Uber Eats or spend the time and money developing their own online ordering system, plus Mr Yum integrates with many POS solutions.

While the current solution Mr Yum provides is great, I was thinking about how they could elevate the experience and make mobile ordering more personalised and seamless. Queue App Clips and Instant Apps.

I set-out to reinvent the Mr Yum experience with App Clips for iOS devices taking advantage of all built in system integrations to make the best customer experience.

RentPay PayTo App (Concept)

app screenshots
About this concept

With PayTo rolling out from mid next year, I thought it would be interesting to see how PayTo interfaces with a rent payment contract.

One area I can really see innovation with PayTo is the rental industry. Currently, tenants have to remember to pay their rent days early through slow methods like BPAY and managers pay high fees processing those transactions. Due to PayTo’s low cost instant architecture tenants don’t need to pay early and property managers can save money and time.

For those who don’t know, PayTo is set to disrupt the Direct Debit and BPAY industry by allowing instant payment agreements inside an Aussie banking app. Simply link your PayID to a payment contract for an instant payment on the agreed upon date/schedule. If you need to change bank accounts, simply open your banking app and transfer there is no need to contact the vendor.