Product Designer

Douugh Pay

2023 - Present
Product Designer
Douugh Pay

Douugh Pay is a new checkout option where users can earn extra Stockback when making purchases from online retailers. When checking out users can select to pay from their Douugh Card, Douugh credit limit or a connected debit/credit card in their wallet.

The checkout experience works two ways:

In app

Shops is a place within the Douugh app where users can find the latest offers from Douugh Pay merchants. When checking out via the Douugh app users don’t need to take any extra steps to check out.


When checking out with Douugh Pay outside of the Douugh app like a laptop or external browser Douugh Pay has been designed for a quick and easy checkout. For a device that doesn’t have Douugh support like a laptop / desktop / tablet users can scan a QR code on their phone and the user will be directed to complete the checkout directly on their mobile device. If the user is using their default browser on their smartphone the browser will temporally direct them to finish the checkout within the Douugh app.